Barriers Are a Critical Part of Your Facility's Security

Physical barriers are crucial to your facility's security, defining an area and making it more challenging to intrude. They can be paired with turnstiles to allow only authorized users to enter and can also be incorporated into your perimeter alarm system to notify security professionals of possible threats.

Access control barriers are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, depending on the needs of your business. They can be paired with several optional accessories to add additional layers of functionality and make your facility more secure. For example, ANPR cameras can be used to monitor vehicle identification. They can detect vehicles entering or exiting your premises and automatically trigger an alert when this happens. They can even scan license plates, allowing you to identify and alert people trying to access your facility illegally.


Vehicle Barriers

A barrier gate system is a security measure used for decades. They are a critical component of any perimeter security system, and they help to protect sites like U.S. Military Bases, Embassies, Data Centers, Energy Facilities, Dams, Airports, and Stadiums from unauthorized vehicle intrusion. These barriers have been proven to reduce the damage caused by unauthorized vehicles significantly, and they are often installed along with a fence or wall.

Type of gate barrier system: passive and active. Passive barriers, such as a fence or static bollard, have no moving parts and are designed to stop unauthorized vehicles by creating an obstacle or roadblock. However, they still allow expected and authorized vehicles to access the site. In contrast, an active barrier has moving components that can be operated manually, remotely, or automatically. These include drop-arm fences, pop-up wedge barriers, or automatic gates.

Unlike gate arm systems, a vehicle barrier is designed to block a large area and is often much more significant than an access control door or turnstile. Vehicle barriers are often seen as the preferred option for many sites and locations because they can be paired with other security systems to provide a more comprehensive solution.

In addition to protecting your facility from unauthorized vehicles, an active barrier can also be a powerful deterrent against other types of crime. For instance, a recent incident at Fort Jackson saw an unauthorized vehicle attempt to drive over the barrier, but it was quickly raised and stopped the vehicle. This helped to prevent a potentially fatal crash and prevented the unauthorized driver from entering the installation. For this reason, a vehicle barrier is a great way to keep your site safe and protect everyone who works or visits your facility.

How could a vehicle barrier be used for your facility? We can provide expert advice and solutions to suit your specific needs. We have years of experience providing high-quality, reliable security products for commercial and government properties. We can also install integrated security systems that work with your existing technology to increase your facility's security.